
Generic campaigns

Disability Watford continues to engage in perennial problems affecting persons with disabilities, including

  1. inaccessible public transport, particularly buses
  2. issues around blue badges and Disabled parking bays
  3. issues with taxi service, e.g. drivers refusing assistance dogs and overcharging wheelchair users
  4. issues surrounding changes to ‘benefits system’ that directly affect people with disabilities

Not all our campaigns have been successful, but DW remains proactively engaged to bring about changes to benefit our local disabled community.

Current campaigns

Below are more details of ongoing campaigns, such as accessible transport and toilets, and some of the new campaigns and surveys that Disability Watford is involved with.

Watford Hackney Cabs

“Watford hackney cabs/taxis the 2nd most expensive in the country over a 2 mile distance” so second most expensive but not the second best in their service delivery to people with a disability going by our surveys available elsewhere on this site. To see the Hackney Taxi Fare Tables Click here.

Transport Survey

At Disability Watford, we get more transport problems brought to our attention than any other issue, including problems related to taxis, mini cabs, buses, trains, underground and even community transport (Dial-A-Ride etc.).  With that in mind, back in 2015, Disability Watford ran a survey on public transport, and then took the issues raised in this survey to those who make the decisions. The final report of the Disability Watford survey on public transport in Watford 2015 is available to read on the website.  To read the transport survey report click here

Taxi Service Report

Report on the (poor) taxi service for people with a disability in Watford commissioned by Watford Borough Council. To read the Taxi Service report click here

Watford Junction Railway Redevelopment

Disability Watford is continuing to monitor the re-development and alterations to Watford Junction Railway Station, to ensure they act on DW’s recommendations and provide accessible/user friendly facilities to persons with disabilities.  DW will continue to make every effort to liaise with the project.

Similarly DW will monitor the re-development of the Parade area of Watford High Street to ensure its recommendations are acted upon and the area affected will be accessible during and after the refurbishments.

Working with local health providers, including WHHT and HVCCG, DW will work towards establishing full accessibility of all health service providers (GP surgery, dentist, pharmacies, hospitals, etc.) for persons with disabilities.

Fines for taxi drivers who will not take wheelchair users

To read more about the £1,000 fine for taxi drivers who will not take wheelchair users click here