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Sitting guide dog by Mikhail Nilov

Groundbreaking Court Case win

A Guide Dog Owner has won a groundbreaking court case against a taxi driver and their taxi company. You will...

National Disability Strategy

In July 2021, the Government published its long-awaited National Disability Strategy, which has been in development for several years,...

Wheelchairs and Mobility Aids

Disability Watford has created a new page to help you source wheelchairs, mobility aids and related equipment, provide information...

Pre-used and new equipment for sale

Disability Watford is approached on a regular basis by people wanting to find a new home for unwanted equipment...

Support us as a volunteer

Disability Watford is run entirely by volunteers most of whom are people with disabilities themselves. We are always looking for...

Watford Hackney Cabs update

At one time, Watford hackney cabs/taxis were the second most expensive in the country over a two mile distance. ...